(Historical Notes: I know I’ve made jokes about scrambling to catch up with cosplayers for a photo before, but I don’t think I’ve ever had this strong of a sense that it just wasn’t even worth TRYING before.  Seriously, if you’ve not been inside the Washington Convention Center, you have no appreciation for just how massively big it feels in there.  Somebody can technically be just on the other side of the hall from you, but that hall is the size of a football field, so even if there’s no crowd between you, just the time it’d take to get over there makes catching that person hopeless.  Not even The Gaylord feels this expansive.  Incidentally, I kind of wish Past Me had drawn in more of a crowd instead of just sticking stuff over the handful of real people in the photo.  A weird side effect of the Convention Center being so spread out is that Otakon felt really under populated for most of the weekend.  But then you’d wander into just the right narrow stairway or a turn in a busy hall and suddenly it’s HUMANITY STACKED ON TOP OF ITSELF EVERYWHERE and you’d realize Otakon was still as well-populated as ever.  It’s just waaaaaay more spread out in this new location.  Actually, I’m surprised I don’t seem to have drawn a comic about THAT.)