(Historical Notes: Okay, you know how a lot of conventions have That One Thing everybody has to bring up when they talk about it?  Well, if anybody brings up Otakon 2017 and they’re not just talking about the general awkwardness of moving to a new location, they’ll be talking about the rain.  This was bad for me specifically, because we didn’t have a room in the hotel that was directly connected to the convention center.  Nope, ours was over on the other side of the square, a full block away.  Needless to say, I was NOT trying to make that trek in the middle of a downpour while in full costume, so I wound up spending an extra hour or two just sitting around bored waiting the rain to let up.  I do have to say, though, I’m still kinda proud of how the “lettering” in the rain turned out on this page.  That’s the kind of effect that I usually botch completely, so having it even slightly turn out alright is quite the victory.)