No, seriously, it is ABSOLUTELY too hot. This is actually what I’m blaming the whole not getting comics drawn fiasco on (well, that and hosting several panels). It’s hard to make with the art when you can barely sit up straight without passing out.

By the way, it’s always funny to me when I complain about stuff like this to other native Southerners, and they assume places like Baltimore and DC should be cooler than here since they’re so much farther north. I’m not sure what amuses me more: the belief that weather works on a simple “Up = Cool” formula, or the assumption that being in Maryland is basically the same thing as being in Canada.

(Historical Notes: I’m also not sure why Past Me brought this up this particular year, since it implies that I think DC is somehow less hot and humid than Baltimore.  I of all people should know better.  Well, at least I’m better than those “Up = Cool” people Past Mentions.  That’s not even a joke.  When I first moved to North Carolina, I knew people back in Georgia who legit thought North Carolina and North Dakota were basically the same thing.  I’m not sure if that says more about their awareness of how weather works or just plain old geography.)