Oh yeah, all this happened. Apparently this little guy has been roving around previous years, but this was the first time I’d seen him.

Also, since I didn’t have time to do a page specifically about the Game Room, I’ll ask this here: did anybody else notice that the Game Room was a LOT emptier this year? I mean, as in there wasn’t anywhere near as many consoles (or even as many tables) as usual. They still had plenty of the stuff I like to play (puzzle games, shooters, and a really awesome pinball thing), but still…

(Historical Notes: SO… MANY… LINKS… Actually, this is weird.  All these links to photos seem to have originally been to images hosted on SmackJeeves… but I coulda sworn SJ never let basic members host anything other than comic pages on its servers.  I thought pics like these had to be hosted over on Photobucket or something else.  Either way, I can’t wait until we get to the point where I started posting all my con pics on Twitter.  At least THOSE links should still work…)