Man, if you thought my comments on the LAST page were self serving…

But yeah, I’m really hoping to add Intervention to the Conventional Wisdom line-up, but there’s an unexpected hitch. For once, I don’t know anybody with a room I can weasel my way into. I mean, the con is only over in Rockville, so I CAN commute (and I guess it’d be cheaper to do so). Still, experience has taught me that some of the best comic material is the stuff that happens after-hours, when everyone’s just being silly and whatnot. If I’m riding back home every night, that’s a lot of potential material we’d all be missing out on.

SO, here’s the deal: if you happen to be getting a room at Intervention, or even if you just happen to know somebody who is, can you hook me up? I can totally pay my fair share of a room split with other people, it’s just getting one on my own I can’t afford. I’m not generally known to break things, get drunk and rowdy, or spread parasites to everyone else. Heck, I even prefer a sleeping bag on the floor, so you wouldn’t even loose any bed space!

So, if you wanna help bring Conventional Wisdom to Intervention this September, AND save a bit on your hotel bill while your at it, let me know! Give me a shout on Facebook or Twitter or even that e-mail address that I SWEAR I’m actually going to start checking now!

(Historical Notes:  Awww, look at Past Me trying to rationalize things!  That’s so cute!  It’s also a total lie.  “Experience” says that fun stuff only happens after hours if it’s something you’ve explicitly made plans to be involved in, and I had no such plans for Intervention.  Otherwise, there is exactly one joke to be made about late-night conventions, and that’s “Wow, drunk people sure are dumb.”  No, the REAL reason I was looking to for a room at the con was because I already knew deep down that commuting to and from a con just didn’t work when you only had public transportation to work with.  Heck, I couldn’t have known it at the time, but the subway wasn’t even going to be in proper service all that weekend.  Staying on site was the only way that con was EVER going to work.  Of course, those of you who’ve been paying attention so far know that “getting to and from conventions quickly and skipping hotel rooms” was the ENTIRE POINT OF ME MOVING TO DC IN THE FIRST PLACE… which is probably why I was trying to hard to convince myself that something else was going on.)