So, Otakon has grown to the point that two additional panel rooms were located next door in the Hilton Baltimore. It’s a good idea, but I kind of didn’t find out about it until I’d spent 20 minutes walking around in circles wondering where the heck the panel I was looking for had ended up. Also, that’s a MUCH longer walk than you’d think at first. We’re talking, like three city blocks to get from one end of the con to the other. The mind boggles.

You know, it didn’t occur to me until just now that not everyone reading this comic grew up in the South, where kudzu spreads like The Blob. Just take my word for it: it’s an apt comparison.

(Historical Notes: No spoilers, but this was really the LEAST crazy expansion Otakon did in Baltimore.  At least the Hilton is directly connected to the BCC so you technically don’t have to go outside to get from one to the other.)