This line really should have been longer, but I was kind of in a hurry at this point.

Oh hey, the girl in the black jacket in front of my doppelganger is Tabitha from Far Out There, my OTHER webcomic. Hey, as long as I’ve got your attention, I might as well get as much as I can out of it, right?

(Historical Notes: I wonder if anybody these days even remembers the more-than-a-little-insulting Hardee’s/Carl’s Jr. slogan this is a parody of?  Also, I should really use Far Out There characters as background filler in Conventional Wisdom more.  Lord knows there’s enough characters to go around.  Also also, MAN I had a lot of costumes with me that year.  These days I usually max out at two, and this is, what, the FIFTH one?  Oh, to have that much energy and free time again)