So, just in case I haven’t made it abundantly clear enough in pretty much every manner possible, I’ve had all my everything thrown into complete disarray over the past month or so.  Hopefully, getting caught up with Conventional Wisdom enough for the “current” convention to be the actual one I most recently attended will be another small step towards regaining some sense of stability around here.  So, yes, there is still some NC Comicon stuff that would have made the public set had I not been so distracted, but as I frantically shouted, the rest of it will still make an appearance on Patreon before too long.  Not before I FINALLY get some material up for anybody desperately waiting to see what I thought of my long-delayed return to Ichibancon, though!

Speaking of which, in order to make the joke on this page work, I had to go ahead and do the cover page for Ichibancon 2020 FIRST, meaning it’ll go live… basically as soon as I have time to finish posting the links for THIS page.  So see you in a bit!

(Oh, and there’s a shoutout to my buddy Stefan here if you squint hard enough)