Yup, that happened.

(Historical Notes: This remains the only time I’ve ever actually spent money on a convention guest’s autograph, and it pretty much all my reasons for not doing so before.  I’m awkward enough around people I actually know and like.  Why would I not only go out of my way to stand awkwardly across a table from a person I have absolutely no connection to, but PAY for the privilege?  And that’s not even getting into me not actually having as much cash on me as I thought I did, or how Conniff’s weekend was basically in the process of imploding all day.  Trace Beaulieu was also supposed supposed to be at the con, but got sick and had to cancel, and then none of the stuff for the table actually showed up on the day of the con.  That “Meet TV’s Frank” sign is artistic embellishment, he was literally just sitting at a bare table, with no signs or merch or anything.  So yeah, I don’t regret it, but I’m DEFINITELY not in a hurry to pay for any more autographs anytime soon.)