(Historical Notes:  Okay, so here’s the deal.  Kurt got approved to do his “Intro to Japanese Wrestling” panel at MAGFest, and being a cool dude, added me as a co-panelist so I could get a comped badge.  Now, both at that point as well as today, my knowledge of Japanese Wrestling is fragmentary at best, but I was going to make up for it by contributing some comic art to spice up the panel powerpoint.  That ended up not happening, though, due to some rather drastic changes in plans.  See, in their infinite wisdom, MAGFest wound up scheduling the panel at the same night as Wrestle Kingdom: NJPW’s biggest show of the year.  In other words, the very target audience of this panel was going to be up in their hotel rooms watching the show instead of coming down to see a panel about the thing they were missing.  And it took longer than it should have for us to realize what was happening, since it was a late night panel and it can get confusing whether stuff after midnight is being counted as “late one day” or “early the next day.”  To try and turn the situation around, the “panel” turned into a Wrestle Kingdom watchalong party, that just happened to have a brief intro primer as a pre-show… which I wound up contributing very little to.  Now, this change of plans wound up having its own story tied into it, but we’ll get to that later.

In the meantime, I’m annoyed that I can’t find any pictures of the little flyer I made for this even.  I drew a whole group shot of the entire Wrestle Kingdom card in chibi form.  I know pictures are floating around somewhere, but for now I’m just gonna have to resort to the INCREDIBLY COMPLICATED AND TIME CONSUMING TASK of re-posting the image here.  It’s so hard sometimes.

Oh, and that middle panel turned out waaaay creepier than I’d intended.)