(Historical Notes: I’ll often say that I only come to conventions to take pictures and draw comics, not to actually do stuff.  Not only is this true in a big picture sense, but I’ll literally spend more time standing around taking notes and tweeting pictures than actually going and DOING anything.  That’s especially bad in the Game Room, and ESPECIALLY especially bad this particular MAGFest, since my usual strategy of getting up early and hitting the arcade while everyone else is still asleep no longer applied.  Aside from the fact that the panel the first night ABSOLUTELY DECIMATED MY SLEEP CYCLE, like, even more than usual, having to actually drive to the con and back meant that arrival times had to be calculated a lot more strenuously than just thinking “Meh, I guess I’ll take the elevator down for a bit.”  Thus, I wound up spending a lot more time in the Game Room at peak crowd levels than usual, which is to say that I wound up standing around waiting for a machine to open up a lot more.  You can NOT wait around fiddling with your phone under these circumstances.)