(Historical Notes: Hey, you know that I was saying earlier about how this was only the second PPV I’d watched in the company of others?  Well it also remains the ONLY time I’ve actually watched a show live as it ran in Japan, and there’s a good reason for that.  We didn’t get out of there until around 7am, and still had to drive back to the hotel afterwards.  Seriously, there were whole stretches of that show where I just have no memory of what happened.  Or, at least, a very distorted memory of what happened.  This is far from the only time I would nod off in front of a room full of people, but it is one of the more drastic blows to my subconscious I can recall.  Oh, and it probably didn’t help that I had a pretty sizable amount of stress messing with my head at this point.  Remember what I said about the change in panel plans having a story to it?  Well…)