(Historical Notes: Another one of those beautiful comics where the whole thing just fell into my lap fully formed.  I didn’t have to make up a single piece of this, it just happened right in front of me exactly how you’re seeing it.  I’ve heard a lot of con staffers talk about how the hotel staff loves having the convention come in because it’s so much more interesting than the boring business conference stuff they usually get.  Most of the time, it’s blatant lies to make the congoers feel better about themselves, but I actually kind of believe it where MAGFest is concerned.  I mean, yeah, the attendees are all savages who destroy everything they touch, look at all the free games the hotel folks get to play on their off hours!  Seriously, you can see the Gaylord staff here wearing the doughnut shirts MAGFest had made up for that year.  That’s absolutely a thing they were doing all weekend, and I was told on multiple occasions that the con did NOT ask them to do that.)