(Historical Notes: Okay, there’s not a lot else to say about the crowds beyond “they got worse and worse every single year,” so I’ll dig into the comic making process itself.  As you can see, I really started to push the level of detail in Conventional Wisdom around this point.  I could excuse the rough doodle aesthetic back when I actually got these pages drawn at the con, but as long as I was taking my sweet time to draw them anyway, I figured I could at least try to make them look decent.  In particular, I got it in my head to try and take advantage of the whole background crowds element of conventions.  As you read through these comics, try to keep track of all the ridiculous cameos I tried to cram into each and every panel.  Heck, I don’t think even I can remember who all is in these pages.  It’s INSANE how much extra work this idea created, which of course made the updates take even longer, and drove me to squeeze even MORE detail into every page to justify the wait, and so on and so forth.  I would, of course, eventually stumble onto an entirely different means of upping the visual ante, but we’ll get to that when we get to it…)