The original draft of this comic was more about me wielding my PHENOMENAL WEBCOMIC POWERS to brainwash people into attending things. While the image of me as some kind of webcomic wizard with bolts of lightning and a robe covered will LOLs and whatever would have looked cool… it also would have kinda defeated the point. If the comic claims to be about how cool URIZEN is, I shouldn’t go devoting half the page to some self-serving fantasy about how awesome I am. Right? I mean, I’m asking.

This is one of the reasons this update is so freaking late: quite a few of these comics went through multiple drafts before the joke finally worked, and that’s not a quick process.

…what, you didn’t think I spent all this time polishing the ART, did you? If that were the case, I wouldn’t have drawn a page where the whole band is COVERED UP BY MY BIG GIANT HEAD.

(Historical Notes: The SmackJeeves posting of this comic had a GLARING typo that I only just now noticed.  Man, Conventional Wisdom readers are WAY lazier at warning me about this than Far Out There readers.  Ya’ll need to be more attentive, I need people to call me out on this stuff!)