I made sure to bring my Gordon costume along so that I could get all the Ninja The Mission Force stars to sign the headband. And, of course, pictures were taken. Now, in all fairness, I must confess that I’ve not actually seen the one that was taken of everyone in “fighting poses”, so this probably isn’t exactly what we looked like. Heck, for all I know, the other three could have busted out some AMAZING displays of martial arts, and all the awkward laughter was entirely at my own expense… but somehow I doubt it.

(Historical Notes: I never actually did manage to see any of the pictures anyone else took of this moment.  It was right next to a whole wall of windows, so it wouldn’t surprise me if they all turned out to be crap.  Then again, it’s entirely possible I DID find a picture and just totally forgot about it.  It HAS been a long time since I actually cared as much about kissing up to successful internet personalities as I obviously did at this point in my life.)