This is going up a little early, but MAGFest starts a little early, so here’s the cover page!

As always, I’m gonna TRY to get the comics online by Wednesday, but we’ll see how well that works out. In the meantime, WHEE! MAGFest! If you see me anywhere this weekend (look for my MST3k and Ninja the Mission Force costumes) please say hi!

EDIT: Okay, yeah. To the surprise of no one who actually pays attention to how these updates really work, I’m not gonna have pages up on Wednesday. Friday’s the earliest I can realistically promise at this point (but then, those people who were paying attention were expecting THAT too)

EDITY EDIT OF EDITNESS: ALMOST READY. Comics are almost entirely drawn, and once I get back from work tomorrow I’ll have time to finish everything. Stay tuned Sunday!

(Historical Notes: Another handy reminder of why I don’t try to get an entire convention’s worth of comics up at once anymore)