Brace yourself, ‘cos here comes the chiptunes!

Actually, this comic is probably a little misleading, since most of the artists I saw were ether very rock or dance oriented. However, Disasterpeace was very much in a more progressive, Jean Michel Jarre/Synergy vein, which I think it really freaking awesome. Seriously, if you like that kind of stuff (or even if you just like Pink Floyd) go check it out.

But who were those other artists? Well, again, I didn’t see everyone, but I did catch Revenginers, Pulse Rising, Danimal Cannon, Knife City, and Chipocrite, who unleashed probably the catchiest thing I heard all weekend.

(Historical Notes: I’ve mostly not bothered to reproduce the links that were all over these comments, partially because it’d take that much extra time to make sure they still worked, partially because I’ve discovered the hard way that it’s really depressing to do through a whole list of links and only have one or two of them still be active, and mostly because Google exists.  Of course, I still needed to keep that little earworm in the experience… though in the context of this page, it’d really make more sense to link to Disasterpeace’s “Submerciful.”  Not only is it the actual artist the comic is about AND proof of the whole point of the comic, but iTunes has confirmed that it’s one of my top 25 favorite songs of all time.)