The “problem” with Batman cosplay groups is, aside from Batman himself, there aren’t really THAT many good guys to choose from… less if you limit yourself to the characters people actually LIKE (Oh, I’m sure a legion of Huntress fans will come screaming after me for that). So, when you DO pick a good guy to dress up as, you find yourself VASTLY outnumbered, and the resulting photos reflect that.

This shoot was a ridiculous amount of fun, though.

(Historical Notes: I know enough now to know my crack about other good guys in the Batman comics is extremely unfounded… but I also know how little anyone these days actually cares about the comics where their favorite superheroes came from.  Nobody’s showing up to a Batman photoshoot and wondering where all the Azrael cosplayers are.  The REAL problem is that so many of the movies depict Batman in big, complicated, expensive-to-reproduce suits that a lot of people can’t AFFORD to cosplay as the main character anymore, which throws off the balance even worse.)