Yeah, I’m sure plenty of people can volunteer all sorts of horror stories that happened to them that I just wasn’t there to see… but that’s the thing: that crap happens at every con. A disproportionate number of Katuscons, however, have been distinguished by crazy mishaps so widespread that EVERYBODY experience them (like horrifying snow or being in too small a venue or sharing space with a… difficult second event) Just having the usual level of problems was a change of pace.

Anyway, THERE’S THE KATSUCON COMICS! There’s a lot to work out about future conventions, but I need sleep RIGHT NOW so keep an eye on the Facebook page or the tumblr for more info.

(Historical Notes: …aaaaand that’s it.  On that unintentionally-reflective note, I stop covering Katsucon in Conventional Wisdom.  I know there’s plenty of diehard cosplayers who still have plenty of warm fuzzy feelings about Katsu, and I’d never try to take that away from you, but by this point it was pretty clear that there wasn’t anything about this particular con that made it worth the trouble of attending.  Or, at least, not enough to have me overlook all the problems it seemed to naturally attract.  So when all my panelist buddies decided they wouldn’t be attending anymore, and I needed to start looking for new people to room with, I realized I just… didn’t wanna.  So I haven’t.  Again, it doesn’t seem like a very big deal now, but at the time, dropping a mainstay of the comic was kind of scary.  I’m so easily pressured into continuing stuff I don’t want to do anymore just because it’s what people expect, I always felt really bad when people would ask if I was coming back and I’d have to say no.  And I kept getting asked that for SEVERAL years after I’d officially announced it was off the schedule.  I mean, it’s nice to be wanted, I guess, but I still felt bad.  But yeah, no more Katsucon after this.  This is the point where the Conventional Wisdom yearly line-up REALLY starts to fluctuate from year to year.)