Honestly, the stage wasn’t THAT small, it’s just that it was too cramped to flail around like a maniac at any point. Which is to say, COMPLETELY TOO SMALL FOR AWESOMELY BAD. It’s not Awesomely Bad if SOMEONE isn’t flailing.

Also, you should totally like Awesomely Bad on Facebook.

(Historical Notes: It keeps coming up, but in all my experiences with Katsucon at the Gaylord, I never felt like they had a good handle on how to make use of the space.  I totally understand how it’d be a challenge, mind you, but MAGFest seemed to figure it out pretty quick.  I just don’t understand why THEY seemed to optimize the layout so quickly, while Katsu still seemed to struggle with cramming big things into small spaces while wasting big spaces on small things.  Then again, it might have been endemic of something else, which I’ll get into in the next year’s comics…)