So… by the time you read this, I’ve either been in DC for about two days, or I’m dead in a snowbank… and if the later is true, this update is gonna be really REALLY morbid.

But yeah, Katsucon! I’m not selling anything in Artist’s Alley this time, but if you see me in a panel or just wandering around, say hi! Assuming we don’t die in a blizzard on the way BACK, the Katsu-comics should be online sometime after Wednesday! Exclamation Point!

(Historical Notes: It’s always super, SUPER weird writing the commentary for the cover page, since it also doubles as the place-holder that people see if they check the site before the actual comics are posted.  Not only does that mean I have to try and anticipate all kinds of possible futures, but I usually have to address all those uncertain variables on a SEVERE lack of sleep.)