Honestly, I’ve NEVER had any luck with the whole “wait ’til Sunday and get great deals!” method of con shopping. I dunno if I just buy the wrong stuff, or if I’m just not pushy enough to actually haggle, or what.

Oh, and this wasn’t even the dumbest bit of “logic” I used that day. I was torn between some box sets and some movies, but eventually decided that the deals on the box sets were better than the ones on the movies since I was getting a lot more material in each purchase. More economical and all that. Well, maybe so, except that all those box sets added up STILL COST MORE THAN ALL THE MOVIES WOULD HAVE. I suck at saving money…

(Historical Notes: This and that nyancat page with Yoink were early experiments at drawing parts of these comics separately and editing them together instead of squeezing it all onto a single page… and you can tell I didn’t know what I was doing from how it never occurred to me to draw Miffy with thicker lines before I scaled her down.  You’re an idiot, Past Me.)