I’m not great at improv. I just can’t think on my feet very quickly. Thus, I’m not the sort of cosplayer who’s much good at doing stuff in character. Dr. Forrester an the exception, though, since I’ve been doing him so long. Seriously, it’s the oldest cosplay I still wear, so I’ve had plenty of time to get good at playing along in character with him.

And just in case any of you are reading this, all you MSTies who were at Katsucon were AWESOME.

(Historical Notes: Past Me is being really generous here.  Even as Dr. F, I’m pretty terrible at improv.  Most of the time I won’t even realize anyone is talking tome until the moment’s passed, it’s really awkward.  Speaking of awkward, why didn’t I color in the wig on these comics?  I’m sure it was to save time, but that’s REALLY weird to look at.  It’s like I’m mad scientist Don King or something.)