Okay, fans. Let’s get one thing straigh here: I’m not trying to make any sort of assessment of the quality of Homestuck, or Bleach for that matter. Nor am I attempting to suggest that they’re in any way similar. In fact, I know next to nothing about Homestuck because I just haven’t had time to check it out. All I’m pointing out here is that there were a LOT of trolls all over Katsucon, to such a degree that I haven’t seen since Bleach was at its biggest.

(I will say, though, that as an internet artist, the fact that anything can get THAT big is kind of encouraging)

…and since I’ve already confessed my ignorance on the subject, hopefully all the Homestuck fans will be slightly more forgiving over how AWFUL the art turned out, since I haven barely any idea what these characters look like.

(Historical Note: I can’t remember if I told this story on another comic somewhere after this, but I’ll tell it here anyway because I still think it’s funny.  I held off reading Homestuck for a WHILE after this, because I’m morally opposed to being caught up on anything that’s popular at the time it actually IS popular.  Eventually I relented and started reading through the thing… only to finally get caught up on LITERALLY THE EXACT DAY Hussie announced the biggest, longest hiatus.  Then when it finally started wrapping up, I was busy with other stuff again and didn’t get around to seeing how it ended for a while after.  So there was never really a point when my knowledge of Homestuck synced up with what everyone else knew about it… which is the story of my life in general.  Oh, and check out the alt text for this page.  That just might be the most accurate thing I ever wrote.)