Uh… spoiler, I guess?

Don’t worry, I haven’t actually performed trepanation on myself with a drill… yet. I’ll be darned if I don’t feel like it’s happened anyway, though. If you could see what these note look like before the spellcheck goes to work on ’em, you’d be VERY worried about me right now. But hey, it’s done! Finally!

I don’t have another con in the works until Animazement in May, but be sure to keep tuning in for more filler pages every Wednesday!

(Historical Notes: Okay, I’ve been up reposting comic pages SOOOOOOO long… I was actually in the middle of a big stretch of Far Out There pages, when I realized the comments in a page included a link to Katsucon 2011, and in a fit of madness I just stopped right in the middle of THAT so that I could go ahead and do THESE so that I could have a working link “right away” …several hours later.  These are not the decisions a clear-headed person makes.)