I probably shouldn’t talk, since I was too broke to by anything at Katsucon either way, but the increasing rarity of actual ANIME in Dealers Rooms (or *ahem* “MERCHANT Room”) is a little bothersome. I mean, we only need so many over-priced hats and corsets, guys.

Oh, in case you were wondering, those boxes in the bottom right contain Gright: The Suicide Doll from Far Out There *Subtle plug*

(Historical Notes: I don’t know if this has especially gotten WORSE over the years, but it sure hasn’t gotten better.  At best, the big cons have much more elaborate booths for the big distributors, but that’s just to hype the latest releases.  I still pine for big bins of used DVDs and imported CDs and other stuff that there’s really no reason not to get off the internet for significantly less)