So, get this: I’m at the dentist’s office Tuesday, and the dental hygienist is telling me about how much her son wanted to go to Katsucon. How could that NOT be the ending?

Well, that’s all my Katsucon stuff. Hope you enjoyed reading them more than I enjoyed drawing them, because I was up all night getting these things cranked out. *yawn*

So, anyway, you guys should know that I AM going to keep doing Filler Arc pages for at least a little while longer. Too many people I talked to this weekend liked ’em for me to stop just yet. So, see you next Wednesday!

(Historical Notes: No, seriously, a LOT of people really loved this one back in the day.  This was still back in the days when some folks still hadn’t really gotten over being able to buy anime at anyplace other than an import store.  A LOT of very insecure people were desperately grasping for any sort of validation from “normal” people, so stories like this were treated as victories for everyone.  These days, there’s still plenty of desperate insecure people, but we’ve largely destroyed the notion of “normal,” so… um… I don’t even know where I was going with this thought)