To think, back when I first started going to anime conventions, one of the biggest problems I had was finding something to do with myself when there wasn’t anything that looked interesting going on. I’d KILL to have that much “free time” at a con now.

In case you were wondering, I actually DID make it to both the panel (Lolita Fashion Show) and the photoshoot (Video Game Characters) on time. Yay for quick changes!

Also, wandering around next to Bender back there, I spy Layla from Far Out There! Gee, you should probably check that webcomic out! *nudge nudge*

(Historical Notes: I’ve sort of come full circle on the “actually doing things at a con” issue, and having to deal with this type of time crunch is just one of the reasons it happened.  These days I spend a LOT more time just hanging out in the halls taking pictures than I do going to panels and workshops and actually DOING stuff.)