I’m a real sucker for panels that show large quantities of weird videos (how do you think I ended up IN so many?), so that explains how I ended up sitting in the video room most of Saturday night. First Daily Dot’s Mike Fenn introduced us to fat cupid shooting people with arrows, among other YouTube treasures. Then Cinematic for the People unleashed not one but TWO classics of not-at-all-classic film making: Roger Corman’s original The Fast & The Furious, and The Werewolf of Washington. The latter of which… WOW. I’m pretty sure it’s the only time in history a film has featured a midget mad scientist WITHOUT being science fiction. The mind boggles.

(Historical Notes: One of the weird side-effects of plowing through year’s worth of comics mere days apart from each other is realizing how many times I re-use the same comic idea.  I mean, geez, how many times have I done some variation on this “I saw a weird video and it stuck with me later” gag?)