This is why I stopped doing Face Painting at Animazement right after I started doing this comic. There’s only so many ways you can draw funny pictures about sitting at a table for three days.

…also, now I want pizza (even if that DOES sound like a gross combo)

(Historical Notes: Yeah, sure Past Me, if by “right after” you mean “several YEARS after.”  See?  Even back in the day I was already remembering that wrong!  Also, I just want to state for the record that I’m not one of those Pizza Fascists who hate pineapple on general principle, I just think this specific combination wouldn’t work.  I regularly put SEAFOOD on pizza, so I don’t think anything is inherently off limits.  Besides, I don’t care if you’re from Chicago or New York or anywhere else that claims to have The Best Pizza, Naples still thinks you’re full of it.)