I probably shouldn’t have included other people in my self-righteous scoffing in the second panel, but it was just too much fun to draw.

Also, I really hope you saw Asylum of The Daleks before I went and spoiled it for you. Oops.

(Historical Notes: I was already holding back on a lot of thoughts about the state of Doctor Who when this page was new, and now… well, technically now I’ve got NOTHING to say, ‘cos I haven’t even bothered to sit through a single new episode of the show in years.  That should say it all, right there.  I WILL, however, comment on the fact that Past Me was really trying to be nice by holding back on my thoughts on the actual panel itself.  Because that thing was… I try not to throw the word “cringe” around on general principle, but it definitely applies here.  Close to half the runtime consisted of one of the panelists showing off pictures she took when they shot that one episode in Central Park.  So, basically, twenty minutes of creeper photos of the Doctor Who cast on their way to use the bathroom.  Oh, SuperWhoLock, you literally were the worst…)