Look, If I’m gonna be this much of a jerk about tearing the convention scene a new one, the LEAST I can do is be up front about the ways in which my opinions JUUUUUST MIGHT not be one hundred percent objective all of the time.  And I really did hit that wall this fast.  One minute I’m in a perfectly decent mood and things seem alright, and one big yawn later suddenly everything feels like it’s badly run and everyone’s a million times more obnoxious and nothing seems like it was worth what it cost and everybody’s tweets seem completely idiotic and terrible… well, okay, it still seems like that even when I’m well-rested, but you get my point.

The REAL question, though, is of a more “Chicken v Egg” variety.  How much of me being grumpy over everything is actually just me needing a nap and picking apart things that don’t deserve to be picked on, and how much of the problem is Well-Rested Me being overly-forgiving and letting things slide that DO deserved to be picked apart because I don’t feel like being honest about it?  Or is it both?  It could always be both.