Oh wow, this poor page was sitting around half-finished for about a WEEK while I was distracted by computer frustrations.  Don’t worry, nothing’s broken this time, just a bunch of headaches with getting the finer details of the new rig worked out.  I’m not good at the whole “taking a break to work on something else while the previous project isn’t completely finished yet” thing… said the guy with several separate webcomics.  But yeah, sorry about the delay.

Anyway, yeah; I was on the road a LOT for this con.  That was actually kind of the point: since I didn’t have any panels or events to worry about missing, I decided to use this weekend as an experiment to see just how far I could actually push my daily con commute, and use the results in planning future trips.  And honestly?  I thought it worked pretty well.  There was one MAJOR hiccup, which you’ll definitely be hearing about later on, but waking up hours before dawn to head out on Saturday really wasn’t one of them.  Long drives when no one else is on the road is kind of my Moment of Zen, and a LOT of areas that are normally traffic nightmares were an absolute breeze to blow through.  I’m deffinitely down for doing all this again, just as long as… well, you’ll find out soon enough.

Oh, and before anybody tries to start any HORRIBLE, SCANDALOUS RUMORS about me being a “morning person,” I have two retorts.  One, my internal clock is set to the day/night cycle of some planet other than Earth’s so I drift between naturally waking up early and trying to sleep all day without really belonging to either camp.  I just don’t like being forced to wake up by any outside force when I’m not ready.  Two, even THAT goes out the window during a convention.  At this point, I’ve conditioned myself to have some sort of Alternate Con Mode that can just spring out of bed on a surge of adrenaline and go at any hour in ways that I WILL NEVER EVER BE ABLE TO DO AT ANY OTHER POINT IN LIFE.  I can only keep it up for a few days, and crash extra hard afterwards, but for whatever reason convention mornings are just their own unique thing for me.  It’s weird.