Okay, so if you caught the final stretch of Anime Openings Through The Years, you got to witness the spectacle of a rooms lights just straight up go poltergeist on us. This was one of those hotels where the rooms didn’t just have a set of on/off switches by the door, but one of those elaborate, complicated sets of faders and programming setting and what have you. Eventually, the lights really were just going on and off without us touching anything. It was WEEEEEEIRD. Next time, we should just unplug everything and light the room with candles.

(Historical Notes: I can’t remember if this was ever confirmed, but I THINK the explanation here was that the “room” we were in was actually just one part of a larger conference hall with all the temporary walls set up, and the light switches were affecting ALL the lights instead of just the ones in the isolated sections.  Either way, though, it’s exactly the sort of thing that con staff really should have been on hand to deal with… instead of, you know, US.)