Freaking out suburban housewives, the unspoken goal of any geek gathering. And, I mean, I’m deeply disturbed by the existence of fourteen year olds too, but you don’t see me blaming innocent hotels for the problem. And the best part is, by convention wackiness standards, Hoshicon was tamer than a Sunday School attended entirely by piles of pillows. If I go to Otakon next month and ONLY see piles of cigarettes in front of our hotel, it’ll be the cleanest hotel in Baltimore.

…ALTHOUGH, in all fairness to OverReactingReviewer1234 or whoever, do hotels bother to warn guests of other stuff that’s going on that particular weekend? Cos yeah, if I showed up expecting a nice quiet weekend and discovered a swarm of Otaku without any prior warning whatsoever, I’d be a little miffed too. You’d think that sort of thing would come up while making the reservation. But hey, I’m no hotel manager, so what do I know?

But anyway, That’s it for Conventional Wisdom’s first ever Hoshicon comics… except that that’s NOT it! In another week or so, I’ll have an extra batch of comics on Patreon, and you can see them for as little as $1 a month! There’s actually a public gallery of older Patreon comics if you want a taste of what’s going on before you start pledging money. But seriously, if you enjoy these comics, even the smallest donation would go a long way towards keeping this thing running. Especially since BIG BAD OTAKON IS MERE WEEKS AWAY!

(Historical Notes: Okay, Past Me really tried to play to the crowd here, with only a token attempt at being fair to the other side, but you know what?  Present Me is absolutely on OverReactingReviewer1234’s side here.  She SHOULD be upset to show up at her hotel and find it overrun with weird, ugly, smelly subhuman mutants with bad wigs.  That’d be like checking into your room and finding mold everywhere, except the mold would probably be less emotionally unstable.  Also, it’s especially funny in retrospect to see a convention be all “Let’s all laugh at how silly it is for someone to act like we aren’t the best thing ever!” when I now know said con would collapse in a fireball of acrimony shortly after.  I’m pretty sure my true mission in life is calling out geek fandom anytime it starts acting like it’s farts don’t stink.  Still, it is funny that I’ve been to multiple “final” years of doomed conventions, and they never end up being fun disaster stories like Dashcon or anything like that.  Turns out failure is really boring.)