Yeah… this is why I honestly don’t bother with webcomic panels much any more. Not that there it’s LOT’S of good information to be gleaned from lots of successful professionals talking about their craft… it’s just that I know myself well enough to realize it doesn’t really matter with me. No matter how many detailed notes I take of all this stuff at the con, I’m just gonna toss ’em aside when I get home and keep doing things exactly the same way I always do.

(And, to be honest, I’ve pretty much heard all the basics at this point anyway. That’s not to say “I’ve learned all there is to know” or anything like that, it’s just that the overwhelming majority of webcomic panels try to cover the same introductory information OVER and OVER. You can only hear the same stuff so many times before you decide there’s a better way to spend your weekend)

(Historical Notes: The real irony is how I’ve made this exact rant about how I’ve heard all this stuff before SEVERAL times at this point.  Hypocrisy is fun!)