Well THIS page is a little late, isn’t it? Yeah, I kept rewriting and rewriting and rewriting this thing for waaaay too long. The comic kept turning out… well, meaner than I usually like Conventional Wisdom to be, but there’s really no other tone you CAN take with this kind of thing. And by the time the thought occurred that maybe, just maybe, that was a sign I should give up and try a different idea, I was already too burned out for that. I mean, look at the messy text on that “schedule”, does that look like the work of a person with a functioning brain?

…also, I think I may have inadvertently created arch rivals for the Cameo Kids. Um… oops?

(Historical Notes: I’m not sure why Past Me is acting like the creation of these characters was accidental.  I can pretty clearly remember drawing Those Other Kids specifically for that purpose, thinking better of using them that way, and then changing my mind and doing it anyway.)