Yeah, I know. I just did a K-ON! page the other week. What can I say? I’m finally getting around to finishing the show, so it’s on the brain right now. Besides, I’m been kind of struggling for ideas these past few weeks, so once it hit me to do this, I couldn’t afford to hold it back a week.

Funny thing is, I’ve actually had this idea in the back of my head for a while. If you follow the Facebook page, you know I occasionally go on image spam sprees, and one of them was a blast of K-ON! album cover parodies. As I looked for stuff to post, though, I was surprised to find no one had done a parody of Please Please Me. There were plenty of OTHER Beatles covers (I think I saw three different versions of Abbey Road) but not this one.

…and now that I’ve tried it I KNOW WHY NO ONE ELSE DID. This cover is a BEAST to draw! The character poses are awkward, and the perspective only makes it even worse. Just compare the character art in this comic to the one two weeks ago, and you see how bad I was struggling. AND THEN THERE’S THE BACKGROUND. More crazy perspective AND lots of straight lines. Basically, EVERYTHING about the Please Please Me cover is a thing I hate to draw. No wonder so few people parody it.

…I will say, though, I’m proud of myself for sticking the Kyoto Animation logo where the Parlophone one is supposed to go. I thought that was kind of clever. YAY!

(Historical Notes: I know I’ve said this before, but it really is weird to remember back when rampant Facebook spamming was actually a regular part of my life… that is, outside of convention photos.  If anything, I’ve gotten WORSE about spamming those.  But second hand memes?  Yeah, I’ve severely stopped caring about that noise.)