Okay! So, I’m out of outtakes, but we’ve still got a month or so to go before Animazement, and we gotta fill the time SOMEHOW. Well, since half my filler pages lately seem to involve some kind of crazy combination of unrelated material, I guess I’ll make it an official series. Also, K-on! and heavy metal mashups are ALWAYS funny.

What’s that, you say? You don’t know who Seikima-II is?

(Historical Notes: …aaaaaand that was SUPPOSED to be followed by a big block of YouTube links to Seikima-II videos… but come on.  Japanese music videos, on YouTube, from seven years ago.  I’m not even going to waste my time checking all those links, because we ALL know they won’t work here in 2020.  Instead, I’ll just explain that Seikima-II are the band KISS likes to imagine they are: a pop-friendly heavy metal band with kabuki-inspired facepaint and comicbook-y character backstories.  And they’re really, really good.  Like, a million times better than KISS has ever been.)