Okay, fist off, you didn’t miss a page.  The previous comic was both the cover and also page one.  Sorry for making it confusing, but I simultaneously wanted to have fun with the page title while also diving straight into an actual comic instead of just a cover image.  I mean, the main reason I do cover pages at all is to have a teaser image up to greet anybody who visits the site before the first real comics go up.  That hardly matters when covering a convention that isn’t even real.

Then again, for a totally fake convention, this page is a pretty dang authentic look into my thought process.  Once again, I took a bunch of pictures of the Sheraton Imperial to be ConCONcon’s new backgrounds, since that’s where Animazement was when I first started going.  Yes, that thought bubble is an authentic photo from my very first Animazement, and Comic Me’s thoughts on how the current decor compares to the old look is very much how Real Me feels about the remodeling.  And the weird thing is, the OUTSIDE of the hotel doesn’t look like it’s changed a day since 1986.  But once you step inside, everything’s waaay newer… and way blander and more depressing.

Also, I’m not even joking about the air freshener.  I don’t know what it was, because I’m really terrible at pinning words to stuff like smells, but there was SOME kind of really distinctive that hotel used to have.  Like, kiwi or cucumber or something something, I dunno.  Ever since, anytime I encounter that specific scent in the wild, I’m always like “Oh, that smells like Animazement!” but I can’t ask anybody about without the conversation immediately devolving to jokes about body odor… which is totally fair, but still not very helpful.

Finally, I think I’ve mentioned this before, do miss that giant bag.  They gave out these MASSIVE bags with ads for upcoming shows on them, and I held onto that thing for ages, but I can’t find it anymore.  In all likelihood it got used to move something and fell apart, but I can’t actually remember what happened.  Again, I don’t like when things that used to be aren’t.