Look, I appreciate having lofty ambitions and all, but at SOME point they need to actually yield some tangible results.  And most of the time, I don’t even mind if the results really aren’t all that impressive, I just mind being told to expect something other than what ends up happening.  I’d much rather be told up front that you can’t do something for me than hear that you’ll TRY to do better and then not follow through.

And I barely even WENT to the Panelist Lounge at cons that even had them.  At most, I’d just hop in to charge up my phone for a minute, I don’t really give a crap about catering or the lack thereof.  This was just the most convenient example of the whole “promise big/deliver small/get salty about feedback” process in general that I could think of.

…of course, the REAL funny part is that this comic about promising big and under-delivering is coming from Yours Truly, of all people.  I mean, geez, I’ve talked such big game about everything I want to do with this new site, and after a year I still don’t even have all the old comics ported over yet, let alone the NEW projects.  Hypocrisy much?