(Historical Notes: OOOOOOOoooooh yeah, this is some weirdness right here.  See, even at the time, Past Me realized stuff like the previous two pages weren’t really anything I couldn’t already do in regular comics.  My solution?  FULL ON ABSURDIST HUMOR!  There’s no in-joke here, no reference that only makes sense if you were there, I just drew literally the first thing that came to mind.  In some ways, this is kind of refreshing to look at.  I’m constantly guilty of over-thinking Conventional Wisdom comics, cramming so many details in that any actual JOKE gets smothered, so the freewheeling wackiness of this kind of comic is kind of a breath of fresh air.  What’s more, I used to do this kind of anti-comedy a LOT more back in the day, so this one gets me kinda nostalgic for my days making Geocities pages and posting drawings on Digimon forums.  But having said all that… is this actually entertaining to anybody?  Check back with me at the last page, ‘cos I’ve got concerns that I’ll bring up after you’re read all of these.)