(Historical Notes: Okay, so here’s my thing.  Even back when I was drawing these comics, I remember being a bit unsatisfied with the “weird for weirdness’ sake” pages… because I didn’t feel like they really WERE.  Aside from the pumpkin bread, they felt weird but clearly for the sake of fulfilling the pattern of all these comics.  The one with me crazy under the bed was there because there was usually at least one “wacky moments in the hotel room” page.  The Scribbles one was there because there’s usually at least one mascot showcase.  THIS page is here because there’s normally at least one page where I complain about being exhausted.  I was rapidly approaching a full decade of doing these comics, and the pattern of how to do them was so deeply ingrained by this point that going deliberately off the rails wasn’t fun or relaxing, it was HARD.  That’s just one of the reasons I’d change the focus of ConCONcon the following year to lean in more on those established patterns.