I mean, really! How often does THAT happen around here? It’s not that I’m an old foggy who only watches old anime… well, not ONLY that. It’s just that the new anime I DO enjoy is usually pretty obscure, whereas I’m usually not that interested by whatever The Latest Big Deal is.

But holy CRAP, I was genuinely impressed by this one. It’s got three of my favorite things: Cute character designs, horrifying violence, and unpredictable genre twisting. YAY!!! (By the way, if you think about it, casting Blah as Mami here is REALLY evil of me. And having Zilch as Sayaka isn’t much better, really. Dang.)

Well, anyway, this marks the end of another filler arc. Stay tuned for Conventional Wisdom’s coverage of Animazement… SOME time next week. See the cover page that goes up Friday for more info.

(Historical Notes: Wow, even back THEN I was already making jokes about how I didn’t keep up with new stuff anymore… Well, okay, I guess the situation was a bit different.  I still kept up with the popular trends in a general knowledge sense, like reading Otaku USA and the like enough to know what was big at the moment.  I just didn’t even watch most of it.  That’s still a lot different from today, where I don’t even bother TRYING to learn what The Kids are watching.  Also, look at me spelling “Magica” with a K like a total weeb.)