(Historical Notes: I mentioned before that I was really starting to run out of people I knew who were actually traveling down to AWA, and this is probably where that became the most inconvenient.  If I’m recalling correctly, I only had the number of one person staying in the room, and he wasn’t answering all night.  Back in Ye Olde Days, there would have been four or five roommates I knew well enough to have their numbers, and SOMEBODY would have swung by and let me in.  Instead, several hours of wandering around while a lobby full of drunk people stumbled into each other.  Yeah, all the purple isn’t a weird artistic choice, they had a poor-man’s rave going in the hotel lobby with crazy lighting.  Alas, this one random picture in the first and fourth panels was NOT taken that night, or even during the con at all.  I realized when I got home that I’d totally forgotten to take any pics of the hall, and wound up having to swipe a screenshot of a YouTube video that I’ve totally lost the link to.  And it wasn’t even a video of the convention, but a weird random video showing off the hotel elevator.  As an aside, it turns out there’s a LOT of YouTube channels out there that just show off the elevators in public places.  The Internet is weird.)