(Historical Notes: This was my second year making the drive down to Atlanta all by my lonesome, although by this point I’d had plenty more chances to get used to it.  Hopefully Future Me will remember to put a link in HERE to that one Patreon comic from Hoshicon about my little detour, because that really does a good job summing up how I was coming to like logo road trips.  Yes, being the one to deal with the traffic sucks, but the long simple drives are wonderfully peaceful and I really do like having so much time to myself these days.  But yeah, this trip really did serve to remind me just how important it is to know how NOT to take the Perimeter during busy hours.  Back when we actually lived in Atlanta, my parents had all sorts of weird, winding back routes for getting in and out of The City without getting onto any of the major roads or express ways… and I have NO idea what any of them were.  They’ve changed so much down there in the past two decades that I don’t even know if half those roads exist anymore, let alone if they have any recognizable landmarks I could possibly use to find my way.  This gridlock nightmare was part of the reason I’d eventually decide on something VERY stupid for AWA 2018, but that’s a story for another time…)