You gotta understand: my facial fuzz is not especially thick, so a mustache all on its lonesome looks pretty puny. Generally, if you see me in Dr. Forester costume, I’ve colored said ‘stache to make it look much more impressive than it naturally is.

(and yes, I did decide to put off shaving until after AUSA, so I am officially in Creepy Uncle mode as I write this)

(Historical Notes: Yet another thing I’ve rather spectacularly reversed my stance on over the years, at some point I just got used to having the ‘stache and generally keep it year ’round.  To a certain extent, it’s because I realized my scrappy, scraggly cheek fuzz is WAAAAY lamer than the mustache with ever be, but I also finally got over my hipster-induced white trash self loathing.  You know what?  White trash redneck hicks have done more for me in this life that neurotic tumblr basket cases ever did, so I couldn’t care less if y facial hair makes me look like a NASCAR ticket scalper.  You won’t see me wearing that wifebeater around anywhere, though.  I gotta retain at least SOME dignity.)