(Historical Notes: Okay, half of this comic won’t make sense to people who can’t remember fleeting news stories from seven years ago.  The rest won’t make sense to anybody who never went to the Wardman Park hotel when it was open.  There was some kind of big DOS attack that Friday that pretty much shut down the whole Internet for the entire Eastern half of the United States, but it didn’t really change things THAT much for anybody in Artist Alley because the Internet down there sucked anyway.  I can remember multiple instances of dealers with card readers having to leave their tables, head all the way down the hall, and take the escalator up to the main level just to get a good enough signal to actually swipe the card.  Admittedly, I’m not sure where else the convention COULD have put Artist Alley or the Dealer’s Room, but being down below still was as inconvenient as it was isolating.  This is another place where I need to remember to come back and include a link to one of the Patreon comics when I finally get that Public Gallery set up, because there’s a good one on this very subject.)