(Historical Notes: This is another place where I’m curious what Past Me said about the comic, though not for the usual reasons.  Actually, I think the comic is exaggerating just how out of it I actually was that night.  Obviously, people told me about all the interactions I missed out on after the fact, and that’s where the narrative here comes from.  However, I vaguely recall totally hearing people come in and deliberately deciding to just fake being asleep because I didn’t want to deal with other people, and feeling kind of bad about it later.  At least, I THINK I remember that.  I actually have a history of my brain hearing things while I’m asleep and incorporating it into my dreams, so I actually MIGHT have really been asleep at the time and just can’t properly remember it now.  Then again, if my subconscious mind still said “Ehh, screw it, I’m not getting up” all on its own, that says a lot.)